Pieces of paper, metal coins, precious metals, other scarce objects, and digital files that signify a value of exchange which is represented by numbers; we utilize those tools because we engage in exchanging, trading, marketing, and profiting behaviors. A more encompassing word to describe all of these would be, a monetary culture; and a culture is essentially a set of human behaviors that are alike.
If prior to the Neolithic ages, for approximately 97% of humanity's existence, no monetary transactions were used, then it is not necessary.... Money isn't a living necessity, but it is made to act like one! Money is a tool for obtaining our necessities, but it is an outdated tool in the same way that in the “civilized” world we no longer use buckets to go to the river every day to scoop water. The living necessities – such as food, water, shelter, health, socializing, love, education, leisure, and so on – are the real needs, but certainly not the money. In a monetary culture, the money is required to be given away to obtain goods and services. If you don't have money, then you can't have your goods and services. We don't opt out of this misery, simply because plan B rarely gets introduced... and whenever it gets introduced it gets stuck in a never-visited web page or in a book inside a library to collect dust.
Like everyone else who has been beat up by the contemporary way we live, and was curious about how to resolve our necessity-obtaining interactions, I too initially made the mistake to take it upon anecdotal evidence that money is some kind of natural biological thing for us and we simply have to cope with it being such. Why do we make that mistake? Because the most popular books about money, are written by people who have vested interest to promote the biological argument – that exchange is “natural.” The most famous money books are not written by anthropologists who can better explain how money evolved – by starting to engage in debt with one another; but instead they are written by the financial analysts, the so called “economists,” and the wealthy people, all of whom wouldn't dare discredit the money God.
I speak for all the people in the world who work to get paid so they can pay money to remain alive.
Because money is exchanged for our living necessities which are never supposed to be not enough, yet the money is difficult to obtain, and the vast majority of its users are wage slaves who are on cash-to-cash or paycheck-to-paycheck basis. The constant lack of money does not provide our amenities to live successful lives, and on that basis it is not an effective way of obtaining our goods and services. In other words, since its initial stages of emerging – through owing debt for one another – it creates more miseries than good for the vast majority of people in the world.
Because you need to give the money away in exchange for the obtaining of your needs; the needs are supposed to be not available for your access unless you labor to “earn” the money – the same money that others are trying to withhold from your access so that they can get them for themselves, their families, and their societies. In a monetary culture everyone seeks that limited amount of money and scarce living needs. But hypothetically, if you don't labor for “earning” money because you are not engaging in the wage slavery, and instead you contribute your working effort in the area of interest you dreamed of – and you now start creating those goods and services for you, your family and your society, then we bypass the mundane stupidity of wage slaving to “earn” your life.... Well, that was only hypothetical, but for now we still have to wake up and realize that we are indebted into using money as the only means to survive, and if you don't have enough money, which is the case for the vast majority of people in the world, then too bad because you can't have your goods and services without “earning” them first.
It's not necessarily on ethical and moral ground (which I personally don't follow), but because money is not an effective necessity-obtaining interaction among people, and it stresses them out immensely. In a monetary culture, money, goods and services are supposed to be maintained as not enough so they can be sought and paid for; yet goods and services should never be not enough because those who lack skill or ability at competing in the money casino game, start to break down physically and psychologically, which imposes a burden not only on themselves but on everyone else too. Yet, if we did create an ample amount of money and let's say we flooded the streets with tons of them, then as all people end up becoming too rich, money will lose its scarce value and render the currency as obsolete. Devalued money will deincentivize all the suddenly “rich” people from continuing to wage slave for money, and consequently when the jobs are no longer worked because all people are suddenly too rich, then goods and services will stagnate. On the other side, if we instead we created our needs to be available for free access, then our trading interactions become meaningless – which will also render money to become useless.
Unless you are a counterfeiter you didn't make the money yourself, but you've got paid by other people who gave you their money. You’ve got the money from other people's payments because the money factory didn't fire up the printing presses to make extra money specially for you: The money was already printed and released into circulation through the banks... and the circulation obviously circulates much closer to the savvy profiteers, not the wage slaves.
That's the case with all folks who have enough money and they are swimming in money. They were raised in an environment where they were able to become money savvy, and they've learned well the skill of how to take other people's money.... If you can stomach it, continue to enjoy your money! I personally still have to use money too, because I don't live in plan B where all the goods and services are available for free. But as far as enjoying it, I am no longer a child that enjoys being handed money that was taken away from someone else's pocket, and I see the consequences that I am engaging in.
That's the case with most people in the world. The strive for money creates immense amounts of gaps between the rich haves and the poor have-nots. You were raised in an environment where you haven't been able to become savvy and successful in acquiring money... and if you are able to become one, then you will be successfully “earning” other people's money – the same money that they need for themselves, their families, and their societies.
A non-monetary culture! Like it or not, humanity is evolving out of money one way or another. Human ingenuity makes technological unemployment a reality, and alongside with our always-growing human empathy, the wiping away of jobs becomes unstoppable. Human ingenuity always maximizes efficiency, and always improves our products and services, which hurts the money's requirement for those needs be maintained as scarce. But unfortunately while our human ingenuity improves, our profit-seeking culture still remains stuck in mud; we still seek a monetary reward for the human ingenuity that provides us with more effective technology. It's a battle between them; money requires that products and services are always not enough so they can be sought and paid for (only if you have money obviously). But human ingenuity doesn't like that at all. As our social evolution has already proven, if our ingenuity and empathy for one another keep growing, if products and services are not maintained to remain scarce but instead they are engineered to be accessible, then the monetary way of living starts to break down its requirement for people to pay money in order to access their needs. If a person can access a living necessity because it is not hidden in a store or warehouse, then the person no longer needs to be handing out money in exchange for obtaining the needed living necessity.
Is human ingenuity out of its mind to keep creating technological unemployment and wipe off jobs, and is human empathy out of its mind to keep figuring out how to make people's living more efficient?
Not at all. Money has existed for thousands of years before dollars were created. “$” was basically an artistic substitute for the letter “S”. WM$ uses broad criticism of the monetary culture, which doesn't include only dollars, but all unnecessary, ineffective, and detrimental exchanging transactions that divide people into rich haves and poor have-nots.
Neither. The criticism here is much more root-oriented; it is not politically defined traditional “leftist” or “rightist” view, because a monetary culture is more of a financial culture than a political one. Money envelopes the lives of those so called “leftists” and “rightists” too. At the end of the day, both, the “leftists” and “rightists” are the same human species who need the same living necessities. There is not even such a thing as a “leftist” or a “rightist” person, but the political system made sure to do its cookie-cutting job at dividing people so they can clash with each in disagreements. We are biological and social organisms, not “leftists” and “rightists.”
There is growing amount of researchers and scientists who are coming out of the closet that technological unemployment will wipe off more jobs than be able to create new ones. As social critic Peter Joseph says, “Technological unemployment is the last nail in the coffin.” However, engaging in debt for one another is also very pervasive and addictive; for example, with the emerging of digital currencies, many wage slaves and middle classes bit the bait assuming that they will get rich by using a non-government issued currency; yet, at the end of the day digital did not guarantee success, and it tuned out like another losing lotto ticket. Those who win with (hard or digital) money, (or precious metals), are simply the ones who are savvier in the obtaining of money. What kind of currency it is, self-made or government-made, has nothing to do with making all people rich, because any money remains money as long as it is scarce. If it is not scarce, then it is no longer money. And when it is scarce, those who are better at acquiring it – will win.
Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism are political creations that use money as their blood-flow to manage order and control. They grew out of ineffective trading conflicts and clashes over goods, services, property dealings, etc. Without the scarcity of goods and services and without the money, those political entities are neither and will dissolve to nothing. Weren't “Communists” supposed to earn and pay money to live? In such a political invention, people are not supposed to have ample amount of needs, so that the needs are sought to be bought; they are not supposed to have ample amount of money either, so that incentivizes them to seek jobs, keep working, “earn” money, and then pay it for their living necessities. In other words, according to monetary “economics,” you have to “afford” your living regardless of the -ism you live in.... “Only do socialism and capitalism alike find that they have to afford whatever they need.” – Buckminster Fuller, scientist and social critic
No, I speak for the 100% of people who participate in our own outdated and dysfunctional necessity-obtaining model, which rewards the savviest profiteers while ripping off the wage-slaving bottom-feeders. We are the people who have to use money to pay for our needs... as if this trade is some kind of predetermined obligation for all humans to engage in; as if it couldn't just be accessing our living necessities without a price tag; as if it couldn't just be contributing and cooperating to create the products and the services we all need without somebody having to tease us constantly with money so that we are incentivized to work to earn and pay the money again-and-again in order to remain alive.
Creating our goods and services for access is not to be confused for today's continuous oppression we experience by having to constantly watch out for individuals, businesses, corporations and governments ripping us off monetarily. Who will boss your life if businesses' and governments' money-profiting tactics no longer exist because there is no business and no government? Human ingenuity and human empathy are in control here. Through technology, we create our goods and services so they are never scarce and never made to be paid for. Oppositely, in the monetary culture of today, human ingenuity and technology are controlled by businesses and governments; they behave in controlling manners because they have to keep profiting by the unnecessary your-loss-is-my-gain competition. Selfish, controlling, or dictatorial behaviors occur when we have scarcity of living necessities – and the scarcity is maintained through our grid-locking each other into trading interactions until the debt is finished. When the debt for one another has finished, the monetary transactions is success... until the next product or service... or until the next day.... Then, in essence, we create debt for each other that we have not engineered to end.
Today, profiting, which is the entire base our living ability relies upon, doesn't have a whole lot more generations to remain valuable and functional. Technological unemployment will outgrow the value of money in the same way that the value and effectiveness of the sharpened stone was outgrown ages ago when our early humans engineered the knife; the knife was simply better, so people stopped using stones as tools. In the same way, technological unemployment in combination with upcoming free technologies (that humanity will create for itself) will eventually little-by-little render the monetary culture obsolete, because what we will create for ourselves (technology for social concern) will be more effective for us than what we have today (technology for profiting).... “We are not born to work for somebody else.” – Muhammad Yunus, social entrepreneur
How can you be a healthy person when your life is saturated with stress from poverty, sometimes clinging dangerously on the edge just because you can't afford to pay in order to avoid it. How can you be a productive individual if you have to sleep on the street, in your car, or in dilapidated living conditions? How can your exhausted head think straight when you have to work several part-time jobs? How can you remain positive while being stuck in traffic for hours per day? How can you be a critical thinker when your entire life is consumed by one thought – how to earn enough to cover expenses? It's like asking, when am I going to win the lottery?... “The difference between cooperation and competition is the difference between listening to each other's points of view and twisting each other's arms.” – Alfie Kohn, author
In a monetary way of living “financial stability” means having enough money. In a non-monetary culture there is no such thing as “financial stability”; it's all up to, Do we have the human ingenuity and resources to create our goods and services for access by all people? Yes we do, science and ingenuity have proven enough already, while counter-productively the monetary culture has proven that it restricts that access unless paid for with money (only if you have them)!... “Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act.” – Albert Einstein
No, I am 30+ years wage slave, who, on the side, creates art and writing projects like this one. Most people in the world are like me. I am a bit lucky not to be a total bottom feeder, because if I was, publishing a website, a magazine, and a book would've been a lot more challenging.... I recognize that “freedom” means access to living necessities, not access to money so we can pay for those living necessities.
Human ingenuity never stops, it doesn't need to be incentivized by someone dangling money in front of our faces. Look at the scientists and engineers who can create the most important products and services for our humanity, yet they got paid below middle class wealth. Dangling money in front of a person's face does not guarantee a better product; human ingenuity just steps in and creates it. The computer was not a need generations ago, but human ingenuity stepped-in and made it so. Likewise, upcoming new technologies in the future will blend into life and become the new goods and services. Having access to the goods and services themselves enables us to become the critical thinkers and the ingenuous creators of upcoming new technologies. If we continue depriving our people from their daily needs and we keep requiring them to pay money to remain alive, they will not become the beneficial people we wish them to be.
Evolving according to our ever-improving human ingenuity is not “utopia”: It is social evolving, and humans are yet to stop doing so. Pick the area of your interest, grow your passion into expertise, get together with the team of ingenious creators who think likewise; if you are scientist or engineer – use the latest technologies to provide the best possible solutions... and you create the goods and services for yourself, your family, community, society, humanity, ecosystem, and for good public health. There is no sudden resettlement into a new way of living without money; it will be a generational social and behavioral evolution that outgrows our outdated cultural customs of money-and-labor-exchange-for-living-necessities.
The scientific method is an aiding tool for scientists and engineers who use the same solid-core validation to establish evidence for what works in their research and what doesn't work. It is more conclusive and effective because it doesn't involve opinions and egoistic I-am-better-than-you philosophical debates. Scientific method: “Loyalty to proven methodology that has stood the test of time.” – Peter Joseph, social activist
In the current necessity-obtaining climate where everything has a price tag and money has grabbed us by the throat, yes, most people need money. We have fewer empathic hearts who can contribute their work for free. But with the always invading technological unemployment, people will keep losing their money-earning abilities, our goods and services will have to become free one way or another, and working will evolve from the incentive to earn money and pay bills, to the love of contributing in the area of your interest and skill.
Working a filthy part-time wage slavery job so you can earn whatever you can to pay your bills: Are we still in the Medieval ages? Good luck with retaining your physical and psychological health! In a monetary culture the profiting opportunities are only for the savvy who are skilled at profiting, not for the vast majority of people who are not skilled and who are certainly not supposed to all become rich, because if all people in the world got wealthy then money will get too obsolete and will end its purpose (of having that imaginary value printed on its paper). Technological unemployment happens because technology keeps getting better and better and human ingenuity is yet to slow down; the curiosity of scientists, researchers, engineers, and experts in their fields of knowledge never stops. In a monetary culture, the big conundrum is that advancement is counterproductive because it is done in the name of profiting for private and state gain, not in the name of individual and social concern; today a product or service is created to be profitable, not to be sustainable, abundant and accessible for everyone without a charge. The incentive of individuals, businesses, and nations never stops to pursue the oxymoron of cutting down costs by trying to pay less money, while at the same time trying to earn more money. In this myopic labyrinth of nonsense simply everyone has to profit: When are we going to settle on that?... “The very notion that millions of workers displaced by the re-engineering and automation of the agricultural, manufacturing, and service sectors can be retrained to be scientists, engineers, technicians, executives, consultants, teachers, lawyers and the like, and then somehow find the appropriate number of a job openings in the very narrow high-tech sector, seems at best a pipe dream, and at worst a delusion.... New technologies and management practices are displacing workers, creating a reserve army of contingent laborers, widening the gap between the rich haves and the poor have-nots, and creating new and dangerous levels of stress.... Worldwide, more than a billion jobs will have to be created over the next ten years to provide an income for all the new job entrants in both developing and developed nations. With new information and telecommunication technologies, robotics, and automation fast eliminating jobs in every industry and sector, the likelihood of finding enough work for the hundreds of millions of new job entrants appears slim.... We are rapidly approaching a historic crossroad in human history. Global corporations are now capable of producing an unprecedented volume of goods and services with an ever smaller workforce. The new technologies are bringing us into an era of near workerless production at the very moment in world history when population is surging to unprecedented levels. The clash between rising population pressures and falling job opportunities will shape the geopolitics of the emerging high-tech global economy well into the next century.... In the coming era, both capitalism and socialism will lose their once-dominant hold over society, as a new generation increasingly identifies with Collaboratism. The young collaboratists are borrowing the principle virtues of both the capitalists and socialists, while eliminating the centralizing nature of both the free market and the bureaucratic state.” – Jeremy Rifkin, author
What will fuel them? Today the base for crime and violence is primarily the not having enough money, goods or services, because the top of the “big brother” and “big business” pyramid controls the profits and the resources. If scarcity of products and services is overcome through human ingenuity, empathy, and the dissolving of money, then the living necessities of people would be met and the predisposition for violence will not be fueled. Hence, without the igniting fuel, conflicts and clashes on personal basis will start to be sparked less and less.... “The real future depends on our ability to solve scarcity problems. [We] overcome those problems through our own creative ingenuity.” – Jacque Fresco, social designer and critic
The content of my work is not establishment-supportive! Through art and writing I can speak freely, without facing the barriers of for-profit “big brother” and “big business” – which would be inclined to reject the content. The authoritative pyramid structure isn't known to oversee the arts and writing fields, and their gates are left a bit less monitored, which favors me. Social commentary is easier done through arts and writing than through involvement in competitive political games. The political arena (the circus) is reserved for the rich haves. It is also highly protected from the vast majority of people in the world, who are the poor have-nots – who are brainwashed in a Stockholm-like syndrome where they defend their oppressor. To be accepted in politics you must already have lots of money, or financial backing support from money sponsors. Politics among people is a derivative of our conflicting monetary interactions. If people had their living necessities resolved through a well engineered necessity-obtaining model that functions without the detrimental effects of trading, then the politics among them cease to exist.